Samplings No. 2 by With Thy Needle & Thread
This series is so cool -- motifs are from samplers in Brenda's collection. Not all projects in this series will be egg-shaped, but the common detail in all is that each will use this neat alphabet fabric that Brenda has designed to go on the back or somehow in the finishing. (The alphabet fabric is printed, not stitched.) Colors will vary. The fabric that comes in this chart pack is navy-ish, as shown in the first picture. The second picture is just to show the detail of what the alphabet fabric looks like.
Stitch count 62 by 79 -- linen 40 count Antique Lace by Seraphim Fabrics; Flosses: DMC; Weeks Dye Works Sandcastle, Tin Roof, Chesapeake, and Teal Frost; Sampler Threads Woodrose, Parchment, and Endive. Chart comes with the alphabet fabric. You must provide your own fabric for stitching.